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NEBIAS@Neuroscience 2017

November 14-15, 2017

Members of the NEBIAS consortium will present results from the project at the 47th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN 2017). The Conference takes place on November 11-15, 2017 in Washington DC, USA.

Accepted contributions:

  • (769.03) Simultaneous tactile and proprioceptive feedback in myo-controlled hand prostheses using intraneural electrical stimulation. D'Anna E, Valle G, Strauss I, Patton J, Petrini FM, Raspopovic S, Granata G, Di Iorio R, Stieglitz T, Rossini PM, Micera S.
  • (499.05) A comparison between encoding strategies for restoring sensory feedback in a bidirectional hand prosthesis. Valle G, Strauss I, Petrini FM, Granata G, Di Iorio R, Cvancara P, Muller M, Barbaro M, Raffo L, Stieglitz T, Raspopovic S, , Rossini PM, Micera S.

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