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NEBIAS@Workshop on Tactile Coding and Neuroprostheses

December 1-2, 2016

Workshop on Tactile Coding and Neuroprostheses
Neurophysiology of touch and development of artificial tactile sensation are two fields of research with an ever-increasing interchange. Advanced neuroprostheses are progressively focusing on reproducing the naturalistic processing of tactile sensations in the peripheral and central nervous system. In turn, biomimetic tactile sensors and behavioral studies on patients implanted with tactile neuroprostheses can contribute to the understanding of tactile coding. This workshop aims at fostering the integration of neurophysiological, computational, haptic and biorobotic studies on touch with contributions by leading experts in these fields.

The workshop takes place on the premises of The Biorobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, in Pontedera (15 mins by train from Pisa, 50 mins from Florence).
The event is free, but registration is compulsory.
To register, please write to local organizer Alberto Mazzoni (

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