Amputee Feels in Real-Time with Bionic Hand thanks to researchers from NEBIAS.
Published in the February 5, 2014 issue of Science Translational Medicine, the results show that Dennis Aabo Sørensen is the first amputee in the world to feel sensory rich information – in realtime – with a prosthetic hand wired to nerves in his upper arm. Sørensen could grasp objects intuitively and identify what he was touching while blindfolded.
BBC - BBC News Bionic hand allows patient to 'feel'
CNN International - CNN Newsroom Artificial hand lets amputee feel objects
Press review and additional videos are available in the Press and Publications section.
Science Translational Medicine:
Raspopovic S, Capogrosso M, Petrini FM, Bonizzato M, Rigosa J, Di Pino G, Carpaneto J, Controzzi M, Boretius T, Fernandez E, Granata G, Oddo CM, Citi L, Ciancio AL, Cipriani C, Carrozza MC, Jensen W, Guglielmelli E, Stieglitz T, Rossini PM, Micera S, 2014. Restoring Natural Sensory Feedback in Real-Time Bidirectional Hand Prostheses. Sci Transl Med 5 February 2014: 6(222):222ra19
doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3006820
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